You’ve spent nine months preparing for your baby. You want to ensure that the delivery is as safe for you and the baby as possible. One option that many women consider is a water birth. But what exactly is a water birth, and is it right for you? Read on to learn more: What is… Read more »
Over the past few years, more expecting mothers have been interested in giving birth naturally. Giving birth is a beautiful process and many mothers are making the switch to natural births because they want to be fully present in their experience, without the use of pain relievers and other drugs. Whether you’re planning to get… Read more »
Many woman get uncomfortable thinking of the pain associated with childbirth. Although epidurals do a great job reducing the pain, there are still many risks attached to receiving an epidural during delivery. If you’re looking for a natural, unmedicated alternative for pain relief, consider water immersion. Most hospitals avoid using any form of water therapy… Read more »