Welcome to my “offices”! As you can see, these are maybe not the typical offices you expect to find for a midwife? My “offices” are very far from the clinical environment women are used to. These are places that I try to make comfortable and safe for women during their prenatal visits with me. There are no stirrup’s or waiting rooms or long wait times. Sometimes appointments do overlap, and my clients seem to enjoy those times talking with other women who are also planning a home birth in NJ or maybe talking with another woman who has recently given birth, here for her postpartum visit. These are places where all family members are welcome, especially children. When children have the opportunity to come to prenatal visits with their mothers, they are included in their mama’s care. They love to help take blood pressure and listen to their baby’s heartbeat! It is very exciting for them!
Prenatal visits are usually an hour and in that time we go over things like diet, exercise and ways to improve what she has already been doing. We also discuss prenatal tests that are available, such as prenatal screening for genetic anomalies, blood work; and the things we are looking for in those tests and ultrasound. We also talk about how her pregnancy is going overall. This one hour each month, every two weeks and then weekly, is her time to focus on this pregnancy, this baby, which is sometimes hard to do when there are other children to take care of. I prefer to use a Fetoscope, ( a stethoscope specific to listening to a baby) as it is a better way for me to listen to the baby’s heartbeat and offers a different way for the mother to connect to her baby, as you don’t only hear the heartbeat but also feel the heartbeat in your ears. I do offer the use of a doppler but prefer to use it minimally as it is a form of ultrasound and I don’t believe in the over use of this tool. We measure and palpate ( feeling the position of the baby ) mama’s belly, pointing out what those parts are that sometimes show themselves frequently. These are precious moments with my clients and their babies. After all of the years of my doing this work, I am still in awe feeling those little ones inside their mama’s <3

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